Personalized SupportOne-on-One
Support Our counselors meet with you individually from the initial weight loss phase through lifelong maintenance. We listen to your story and with your input, tailor a program of education, counseling and support. We believe accountability is the key to lasting success and our personal coaching is highly effective.
AffordableAffordable Custom
Designed Programs You will receive a personalized plan to meet your goals using a full or partial meal replacement program or a food program. We offer Nutrimed and Optifast products that for some will cost less than they are currently spending on food. We can show you how to find out if your HSA or FSA accounts can be used.
Flexible HoursOur Place or Yours
with Flexible Hours Busy schedules or living out of the area won't stop our capacity to offer you education, strategies and support. With the aid of technology, you will be able to receive the accountability component so vital to long-term success. You will receive the same coaching available to those who are attending in-person.
Lifelong MaintenanceMaintenance for Graduates
of Any Program Our most important role is to help people keep their weight off. As this is our greatest priority, we offer this service to all who have completed a comprehensive weight loss program. You will have the opportunity for continued support and may choose to use Nutrimed or Optifast products as part of your healthy eating plan.